
These films, produced by our partners with Media One, track stories, projects and people that have come to help to guide us to who we are as a company. We believe healthy relationships with the land and people start with First Nations.

The Eagle Project (2016)

In many ways, the Eagle Project is the early days of the Carving School. Moy and his apprentices, including Dawson seen here, worked together to bring the third totem of the Eagle Project to life for the Victoria Native Friendship Centre.

Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’ / Che:k’tles7et’h’ People’s Assembly (2023)

We are proud to be involved in this documentary project that was Nation led and premiered at their Peoples Assembly in Campbell River in January 2023. This film tells the story of a Maa-nulth Treaty nation working through inherited colonial issues and lays out the future plans for taking back forestry and creating meaningful sustainable opportunities for the Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’ / Che:k’tles7et’h’ community.

One Tree (2017)

Our team was proud to be part of the One Tree Project film, which chronicles the collaborative effort with artists and environmentalists to salvage old-growth timber. This process not only provides artists with the materials they need but also provides an alternative to clear-cutting by repurposing salvaged resources for such projects. The film beautifully demonstrates how creativity and conservation can intertwine, resulting in stunning works of art that celebrate sustainability.

Witness Blanket (2018)

At Island Timber, our roots intertwine deeply with the legacy of the Witness Blanket, a legacy art installation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada by Carey Newman. Inspired by a woven blanket, the Witness Blanket is a large-scale work of art. It contains hundreds of items reclaimed from residential schools, churches, government buildings and traditional and cultural structures from across Canada.

Everyone Belongs in Nature (2023)

In this Intregrated Described Video (IDV) television documentary project for AMI TV, following the planning and construction of the new Power To Be home at Prospect lake, Media One follows the Island Timber Carving School in the creation of the Nu-chah-nulth totem pole that is featured at the site.